Ethereum: Can I configure Bitcoin (Linux) with a custom wallet location?

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Bitcoin configuration is on Linux: Personalization wallet location

The Bitcoin’s Walet native software, also known as Core, offers a safe way and manages you Bitcoins. Howver, if you are the appearance will be as control over how Bitcoin data is stored, you can customize your Location HE in Walet. In this article, we will explore how to configure Bitcoin on Linux (specifically Ubuntu) with a personalized Watt location.

Wy configured a personalized wallet location?

Before West-A-configuration processes, let’s consider how you can want a personalized wall location:

Security : By choosing a security outside the default ~/.Bitcoin 'folder, you can raise the risk that the data will be compromised or exposed.


Configuration of bitcoin with a personalized wallet location

To configure Bitcoin on Linux (Ubuntu) with a personalized wall location, you will need to edit the~/bitcoin/config ‘file. This is a hidden thread that is not visible in pronunciation. Here are steps:

  • Open the terminal

    : Open armin on your Ubuntu system.

  • Navigate to them Directy Bitcoin : Change the /bin/bitcoin director, which is usually located a/USR/Bin/Bin/Bitcoin-*. Onset. This could vary depending on the installation and the Ubuntu package manager (for example, apt get).

  • EditConfigs Phile :


nano ~/.Bitcoin/config


  • Add the location of the customs wallet : integration of



Director =/Path/to/your/Wallet/Rectory

Activation = thrue


Replace/Path/to/your/Wallet/Rectory with the desired location to store Bitcoin data. The [wallet] section is an option, but it is used for specific wallet settings.

Tips and Variations

  • If you use a new version of Ubuntu (for example, 18.04), you are instantly of the usual “nano”.

  • Always add the personalized wall capture wall /etc/bitcoin/config/config/config/config, which is by the system level configuration.

  • Tools that write in the default~/.Bitcoin ‘folder, you can specify a differentiation director in’ [wret] that holds the director’s option.


Configuring Bitcoin on Linux (Ubuntu) with a personalized wall location over your data and security by following these steps, you can make sure with Bitcoin by choosing a trusty location outside. Don’t forget to replace `/Path/to/ you/orTofelul/ the desired locking rector, configuring the personalized config.

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