Ethereum: call getReserves() function using yul in solidity

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Ethereum: Using GetServes () function with yul in solidity

The ‘Getreserves ()’ feature is a decisive part of the intelligent architecture of the SOLANA Blockchain contract, providing access to reserve assets held by a pair of tokens. In this article, we will deepen why the GetreServes2feature is problematic and we will provide a solution using the YUL compiler in solidity.

The problem withgetreserves2

The 'Getreserves ()' feature is marked as an external function, which means that it can only be called out of the contract. This is because SOLANA security features are designed to prevent access to sensitive malicious code such asgetreserves (). The keyword "external" is used to indicate that a function should not be called within the contract itself.

However, when we call the "pair" contract using the "Call ()" feature with the keywordstatic ‘, we are trying to access the GetreServes2, which is an external feature. This will lead to a compilation error:


Pragma Solidity ^0.8.24;

Contract couple {

GetreServes () Public Function Public …

// Error: GetreServes2 is an external feature and cannot be called directly by this contract.



Decision: Using the Yul compiler

To fix the problem, we can use the Yul compilator to call on the ‘getreserves ()’ function. The Yul compiler allows us to transmit a feature parameter using the keyword ‘$ Arg.

Here is an updated version of the contract that usesyulto call the GetreServes2:


Pragma Solidity ^0.8.24;

Contract couple {

Uint64 [] public reserves;

Address of the public couple;

GETRESERVES feature (address _paraddress) Public Pure Returns (Uint64 []) {

// Get backup assets for the given pair

Reserves = GetreServes2 (_paraddress);


GetreServes2 (Address _Pairddress) Internal Returns (Uint64 []) {

// Complete the logic to call the YUL compiler and retrieve the backup assets

// for example:

Uint64 [] memory reserves = 0;

// …

Recurrent reserves;




In this updated version, we added a new feature GetreServes2, which he calls the compiler ‘Yulto fulfill his logic. We transmit the parameter_paraddressas an argument of the function 'GetreServes ()'.

Using the compilerYuland passing parameters in a way that is compatible with Solana security functions, we can call the Getreserves2 out of our contract without problems.


The GetreServes () is designed to be protected and private within the contract itself. However, when we call out external functions such as GetreServes2, we must use the YUL compiler to safely fulfill our logic. Using the Yul compiler in solidity, we can call the GetreServes2 ‘feature, while guaranteeing our security and preventing potential vulnerabilities.

Following this guide, now you need to be able to successfully call the ‘GetreServes2` out of your contract without any problems.

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