Ethereum: Binance API How to connect with a web socket using Javascript?

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Connection with Binance Websockt API with JavaScript: Keep K-Lines alive

As a developer that uses the Binance API, it is likely to be familiar with obtaining real -time data. However, when you use applications to obtain unique data lines, the resulting JSON response can quickly obsole due to the latency and network congestion. To address this problem, we will explore how to keep K-Lines alive connecting to the Binance Websocket API using JavaScript.

General description of the Binance WebSocket API

Before immersing yourself in the code, it is essential to understand the basic concepts of the Binance Websocket API:

  • The end point WS provides real -time data updates for several markets.

  • You can subscribe to specific final points and receive Push notifications when there are new data available.

  • To keep K-Lines alive, you must establish a persistent connection using websocks.

Connection with Binance Websockt API with JavaScript

To connect to the Binance Websockt API using JavaScript, follow these steps:

  • Install required libraries : You will need ‘WS(Websockts Library) and' Crypto for cryptographic functions. Run:


NPM Install WS Crypto

  • Create a websockt connection : Establish a websockt connection using the following code:


Const websockt = require ('ws');

Const wss = new websockt.server ({port: 8080});

// handle incoming connections and subscribe to Klines

wss.on ('connection', (ws) => {

Console.log ('Customer connected');

// Subscribe to Klines Endpoint in '/Klines'

WS.ON ('Message', (Data) => {

If (data.type === 'kline') {

Const {symbol, timeinterval, open, high, low, closure, volume} = json.prse (data);

Console.log (new kline received: $ {symbol} @ $ {timeinterval} interval);

// Update the K line data in its application

UPDATEKLINES (Symbol, Timeinterval, Open, High, Low, Closing, Volume);



ws.on ('close', () => {

Console.log ('Disconnected client');



This code creates a websockt server and listening for incoming connections. When a new connection is established, Klines is subscribed to/klinesand handle the incoming messages.

Management of the K Line Date

To handle the new data received at theMessageevents, you can use the 'JSON.PE () function to analyze the incoming message:


WS.ON ('Message', (Data) => {

If (data.type === 'kline') {

Const {symbol, timeinterval, open, high, low, closure, volume} = json.prse (data);

Console.log (new kline received: $ {symbol} @ $ {timeinterval} interval);

// Update the K line data in its application

UPDATEKLINES (Symbol, Timeinterval, Open, High, Low, Closing, Volume);



Keeping K-Lines alive

To keep the K lines alive, you must establish a persistent connection using websockets. You can achieve this by creating a websockt server that listens to incoming connections and handles messages accordingly.

In this example, we create a single websockt server in port 8080:


Wss = new websockt.server ({Port: 8080});

However, in the code fragment provided, we only establish a customer connection. To keep K-Lines alive, you must establish multiple connections and handle incoming messages.

Update of its application

To update its application with the latest K-Line data, you can modify theupdateklines:

` JavaScript

UPDATKLINES FUNCTIONS (Symbol, time of time, open, high, low, closure, volume) {

Const klinedata = json.pse (Json.stringify ({}); // create a copy of the original data)

kinedata.symbol = symbol;

kinedata.timeinterval = timeinterval; = open;

Kinedened.hight = high;

kinedata.low = bass;

kinedata.close = close;


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