Metamask: Help please, React State is not changing, when trying to fetch account balance

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Metamask: Help, please – React State does not change despite account balance accounting **

As a metamask user, you are probably familiar with the importance of accurately recovering your account balance. However, there may be cases where your country is not updated as expected. In this article, we will study why and how to solve the problem.

The problem:

When trying to bring balance to the React account, it is usual for the “State” site not to reflect the changes made by the component. This can happen for several reasons:

  • The original condition is frozen : When you first provide your application, the original condition can be frozen, which means all updates do not apply.

  • Status is updated elsewhere

    : The function of fetchaccountbalance can update another part of your code base, causing a conflict.

  • There is no asynchronization/wait for performance : If you use the oldest version of the react or ES6 syntax, you may need to use the asynchronous/expect to deal with promises.


To solve this problem, let’s focus on the following steps:

  • Use Usstate correct

    : Make sure your component uses USSstate to manage your condition.

  • ** Complete Async

  • Avoid updating the status directly : Instead of updating the status immediately, leave the feature fetchaccountbalanceto deal with updates.

Example Code:

Here is a simple example of illustrating these points:


Import react, {usestate} by ‘react’;

Import {metamask} of ‘@metamask-connect’;

CONCT account = () => {

CONST [Balance, SetBalance] = UsesTate (0);


to try {

CONST Reply = Wait by FetchacCountbalance ();

CONST BALANCEDATA = Wait Answer.Json ();

// Update the status with the new balance

SetBalance (BalancedaTA.Balance);

} catch (error) {

Console.error (error);



return (

Account Balance: {Balance}



Exporting a standard account;


In this example:

  • We use the usstate to manage our condition (” Balance “) and initialize it with a value of 0.

  • The function of FetChacCountbalance is a function of asynchronization that uses “waiting” promises. New Balance.

  • We do not update the condition directly in this component; Instead, we use asynchronous/wait ‘to process updates.


Following these steps and you understand why your React component may not update your condition correctly, you can solve the problem with the extraction account balance. Remember to always use the “Usestate” correctly to implement Async/OKE and avoid updating the condition directly within your components. If you are still facing problems, feel free to provide more context or additional aid code!

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